iPhone 8 की कीमत: 8D सेंसर के साथ iPhone 3: $1000+

As Apple commemorates a decade of groundbreaking smartphone creations in previous year, the anticipation for this year’s launch is heightened, with expectations set for a significant unveiling. To celebrate its Anniversary, Apple will roll out three devices: the iPhone 7S, 7S Plus, and the highly-anticipated iPhone 8. All eyes are on the iPhone 8 as Apple focuses on imbuing the smartphone with cutting-edge features to solidify its position as a leader in the industry.

Fresh details shared by 9to5Mac reveal that the upcoming iPhone 8 is set to incorporate an exclusive 3D sensor sourced from Lumentum, distinguishing it from competitors in the market. The specifics regarding how this innovative 3D sensor will integrate into the device’s design and its intended functionality remain shrouded in mystery for now.

The specific application of this technology remains uncertain. It may serve as a tool for facial recognition authentication, enhance camera capabilities for improved image quality, or possibly facilitate augmented reality experiences, as per information provided by our source.

iPhone 8 Cost: iPhone 8 with 3D Sensor: $1000+ – Overview

Furthermore, the report discloses details regarding the pricing of the forthcoming iPhone model. The iPhone 8 is anticipated to surpass the $1000 mark, outstripping the cost of existing iPhone models that range from $649 to $969. This hike in price can be attributed to Apple’s adoption of an OLED display, along with a metal and glass chassis reminiscent of the iPhone 4S, resulting in a more premium build. Combined with speculated enhancements such as wireless charging and advanced 3D sensor technology, prospective consumers should brace themselves for a higher price tag.

Apple’s decision to kickstart early production of its latest iPhone lineup has sparked speculation about a potential early release. However, the primary motive behind this move is to ramp up production in anticipation of heightened demand for the iPhone 8. Despite the early production, Apple is gearing up for a grand unveiling event in September where the iPhone 8, alongside the iPhone 7S and 7S Plus, will take the spotlight. Prepare for a dazzling showcase, as anything less than spectacular would not suffice for the highly-anticipated iPhone 8.


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